Sunday, October 18, 2009

Strawberry-Flavored Prozac and Rose-Colored Glasses

Got my flu shot yesterday. At Target. Because, really, is there anything you can't get at Target? If Heaven has a symbol, it's a red bullseye.

But I digress.

Waiting in line for the pharamacist to key in my paperwork, I noticed a strange flipchart listing the flavors available for flavoring medicines for kids. Because I have no regard for the pharmacy's sign to "Wait behind the red line and we will call you to the counter when your prescription is ready" and more importantly, I was bored, I picked up the chart and started flipping through. Not only did the chart list the available flavors, but it also gave flavoring suggestions for popular drugs.

Prozac is best with raspberry, banana, or orange. Vicodinitussin (never heard of it, but by God the next time I'm in pain I want some) is best in lemon, cherry, and strawberry. Ritalin, apparently, was good with anything. And on and on and on. Although some flavors were available, like chocolate-covered banana and watermelon, they didn't seem to be recommended for pairing with anything, which leads me to believe they were actually worse than the taste of the medicine itself.

While usually I would worry about a nation more concerned with making its medications more palatable for the privileged than making sure the bad-tasting medications are available to all, I'm trying to see the good side of the situation. The glass half-full, if you will. When I come up with the good side I'll let you know. In the meantime, pass the lime-flavored Tramadol. I think I have a headache.

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